I just created an account on CafePress.com and uploaded this RUN .EXE design.

If you like, go ahead, buy one, two or three!

run .exe t-shirt

It’s just a basic play off the classic RUN DMC logo, but stating RUN .EXE for all of those windows users and executable files out there. I’m primarily a Mac person, but thought this would be a cool knock off.

Yesterday I posted this based on Skreened.com, but unfortunately, Skreened.com can’t print white, so if you want the more authentic look, you would have to order it on a white T-shirt. So, I found out about CafePress.com and looks like you can get it the way it should be with white on any color shirt! I added a women’s style as well.

I’m not sure if this has already been done before, so if it has, then here’s another. I’ve seen a lot of knock offs from this logo, but never this one.

I will probably be working primarily with CafePress.com from now on, but I will keep the Skreened.com shop up for now.

Visit my CafePress.com shop here:


Visit my Skreened.com shop here: